Sunday, August 14, 2011

DJ Song Structures Page 4

DJ Song Structure
Understanding how music is structured is extremely important as well as knowing how to beat successfully, depending on the genre of music you have selected normally song structure consists of the following:

Usually introduces melody or mood Can sometimes serve to contrast the other main parts. 0 > 128 beats long upto a minute.


The catchy part that will generate interest which will sling into verse. 0 - 32 beats long
Same bit of melody or chords that’s repeated If vocals, the words usually change each time.


The catchy part of the song,t he part you probably hum in the shower.
repeats but never changes.

Breaks, another buildup  Can serve to change the pace of a song

Same bit of melody or chords that’s repeated If vocals, the words usually change each time.

All instrumentation is removed except for percussion & vocals

The conclusion or end of a song.

While majority of these may be different for your genre the same rule applies, You must learn your own music and know their song structure without even thinking about it, this is just a general rough idea, when counting the beats try to summerize where you are in the track, You could be aware a solo is coming in and kick in a sub bassline from another track and work from there, There are endless techniques on mixing which we will get too, just keep learning how to match the beats and knowing your music structure.

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